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My Approach
Learn more about how I approach fashion and help my clients discover their personal style

Seven Style Essences

The Kibbe style essences are routed in the Tao philosophy of Yin, Yang, and the different combinations of the two. The archetypes below are the seven pure essences. More often our figures are a combination of two to three essences which leaves us with a total of 63 possible combinations and characteristics.

Using Colour Palette
General colour palettes for four seasons

Seasons are divided into three palettes per season. In total, there are 12 palettes you can use to guide your style throughout the year.

Upon closer review of your skin, eyes, and hair and where they land on the hue, value, and contrast, and chroma scales, we will further determine which colours harmonize best with your natural colouring within the 12 possible palettes.

How To Measure Your Size
Learn more about our innovative approach

We help our clients realize their most important goals. With years of experience and unmatched credentials, Find Yourself In Fashion is uniquely equipped to make a significant and lasting impact on clients’ lives.

We know our clients’ needs are always changing, so continually seek new and improved ways to serve them.

  • sleeve.png
    Sleeve Length

    Measure from the back nape of neck to end of wrist, where the cuff sits.

  • bust.png

    Measure the circumference of the largest area of the bust without compromising your natural shape.

  • waist.png

    Measure around your natural waistline which is the smallest area of your midsection.

  • hip.png

    Measure around the widest hip area.

  • pant.png

    Measure from the crotch area to the inner ankle.

How we do it?

Using the Kibbe Archetype Method, which David Kibbe reevaluated and expanded on in the 1980s, I assist clients in identifying their style essence, body form, features, and particular colour palette to discover the comprehensive individual image of self.

I have developed specific services to consider, identify, develop and realize one’s particular aspiration of their own self-image. This syllabus will build confidence and awareness when selecting new garments and how to seamlessly incorporate pieces into the existing wardrobe.

My guidance stems from my theory of quality over quantity and how that plays into today’s fashion industry’s environmental awareness; the new fabrics created from recycled & sustainable fibers, the wave of new designer collaborations, and the repurposing and upcycling of former collections into new modern looks.

Image of a personal styling service hard at work. `

Custom portfolio design
My personal styling service provides clients with the skills to build an authentic wardrobe.

Additionally, I provide a portfolio designed for each client’s specific attributes. This guide will be a reference for one’s style essence, complementary clothing cuts, harmonizing colour pallet, and the tools to build one’s wardrobe.

This guide will ensure a cohesive style with no clothing gaps and the right amount of garments to navigate the seasons confidently. My services create an awareness of the balance between need and excess in your closet, so there is no unnecessary clutter. I will include a concise plan to organize and create a catalog of your staples, extras, accessories, shoes, and outerwear into a clear, understandable structure.

My custom portfolios help clients purchase items they need or need to replace. It highlights the pieces that can be mixed and matched across seasons. This will allow you to keep a detailed track of your garments, so you’re not unpacking your closet every time you get dressed and not buying the same pieces again and again because they’re not readily visible in your scope of vision.

This experience can be looked at as a program in progress as we are ever-changing, growing, and discovering ourselves through our lives in fashion.

Click here to view a Sample Portfolio

Click here the sample list of Clothing Cuts


Discover personal style that reflects your true self.
I'm a personal wardrobe stylist helping clients use fashion to portray their complete self.
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